1. The organization will work intensively in the field of education for the people . It will lay emphasis on the conduction of alternative Education , Innovative education , Adult education , Non-formed education , Child- school , Night-school, Library, Reading Room etc. among the poor and Backward folk.
2. The organization will give training to the educated unemployed youths about type, shorthand, Computer hardware computer software , Electronics , Radio .TV. etc. To make the women self dependent , it will give them training about sewing, cutting, knitting, embroiling, painting ,Doll manufacture ,Art, Sculpture and Handicraft etc.
3. The organization will provide the farmers with developed seeds manures means of irrigation, water conservation, tube-well, ponds etc. for the development of agriculture and horticulture.
4. The organization will work for basic wealth facilities in the remote areas . It will also conduct maternity centre, orphanage rest house, Hostel for working women, centre of old people, Widow house etc.
5. The organization will work for the health, Women welfare and women empowerment of the down trodden classes and also for their progress, It proposes to conduct programs for the welfare of child workers women working and other workers.
6. For the all-round development of the women and children , the organization will conduct programs like Aaganbari, Balbari, Mahila Mandal, Self Help group, and Rural employment programs etc.
7. It will work for the lodging, fooding , free medical facilities, free education of the widows, the old, the poor and the Handicapped people. It will organize women’s organizations .
8. It will conduct relief programs in case of flood, famines, epidemics , draughts and natural disasters.
9. The organization will act in accordance with the rulings of government in the case of the improvement of health, education etc. for the Mahadalit , Dalit and the Backward classes.
10. It will provide with the suitable arrangement of environment and plantation for the construction of model Villages .At the same time it will work for the cleaning of dirty human refuges, arrangement of pure drinking water and public latrines and Bathes.
11. It will work for the economic ,social ,cultural , moral and educational progress of the poor, minor and down trodden classes .It will also organize camps seminars etc for these purpose.
12. It will effort to make people aware about the unity, integrity, mutual understanding adult franchise, human rights etc.
13. There are schools and other educational institution will be organized and meritorious poor student will be rewarded.
14. The organization will make people aware of the causes and results of T.B. , Hepatitis B , Kalazar, Heart disease , Polio , Cancer , Aids, etc. People will be make aware about Yoga and its functioning.
15. It well be conducts programs to make people aware of the family welfare performs, polio Eradication performs, vaccine fair and leprosy eradication programs.
16. People will be taught to conduct several economical activities like small scale industries, khadi development, Animal husbandry, Sericulture, daily productsetc.
17. The organisation will provide traning facilitis for the development of serveral cultural activies like dance, music , drama, and fine Arts etc.
18. To exhibiks and develop programes concerning the uses of non traditional energy resourses like Dung Gas energy , Solor Energy and wind energy etc.
19. The Organisition lays stress and all round development of both natural and socila enviroment.